Rudeness Abounds

Yesterday, at the car wash, I watched a dodgy ole codger shuffle up to his old junker that had just been washed. He started to very rudely complain to the hard working young man that was unfortunately assigned to car. He complained that the kid had not thoroughly clean his rusty wheels, then aggressively pointed to supposed spots on his window.

The kid got the manager and together they re-cleaned his rusty wheels. While they were busy on the other side, he picked up a couple of towels and started wiping the imaginary offenders off the driver side window. Then he opened his car door, threw the rags on the passenger side, started up the engine and drove away while to two young men were still working on the other side.

No tip, no thank you, not sure he even paid for the wash as he did not give the young man his receipt, which is the normal procedure.

I can’t say he was racist. He may treat everyone he encounters like complete crap but I have a feeling he felt free to be so arrogant and condescending due to their ethnicity.

I felt bad for that hard working young man, a documented or undocumented migrant, doing a hard job and paying his taxes while doing so. I also felt bad that whatever this world handed the old gent. Whatever is was, he sure chose a path of misery.

Life’s too damn short. 


  1. probably a dump supporter, that one. may he die today and not put anyone else thru his misery.

  2. I hear you!

    It must be lonely to live such a life as that old guy!

  3. Everyone now thinks they have permission to be rude bastards like the orange dictator. The way my office has changed, the calls are worse. Entitled, rude and they make no attempt to try to be nice. They start off mean. I don't get it. It takes more of an effort to be mean than to smile or smile with your words. Try kindness. I continue to do that and sometimes it stops them in their tracks. Sometimes I turn into Sybil when I hang up the phone. I'm so very pleasant and then I hang up and call them names. Yes, I'm going to hell.

  4. It's the same here in the UK. People are getting ruder, more impatient and have a lot less empathy. I try the same approach as Margaret while keeping my fingers crossed that Karma is an actual thing!

  5. A sad commentary of life today. :(

  6. I hate it when that happens...


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