Hot Mess

I wake up very early...too early really.

Trying hard to not wake anyone in the house, I usually set my clothes out the night before, attempt to dress quite stealthily, and make my way out...feeding dog #2 along the way.

Doing it this way (in the dark) there are occasionally mishaps. Today I dressed comfortable, black leggings, black sleeveless tee and an open denim dress. Pretty effortless.

Got to work, got it done and about to leave for the morning when I passed a mirror. Non matching sneakers, dress inside out, big ole sex hair (without the sex).....basically one hot mess.

Oh well, I do Hot Mess effortlessly.


  1. Good thing you passed that mirror & looked!

  2. Oh I do hot mess effortlessly and easily. But that is funny. I don't know where you work but wouldn't someone say, Hey Linda you may wish to go to the ladies room to turn your dress inside in. But I'm glad they didn't because I needed that giggle. ...tee hee

    1. I’m self employed and work at an office co-op. Thankfully I usually am in and done before anyone gets in. They all missed the spectacle.

    2. Ah yes. working from home is far worse. I have walked the dog at lunch and come inside and seen my shirt inside out and I spoke to someone. My goodness what did they think? So I understand. We are just now "characters" :-)

  3. Too funny, thanks for the laugh. :)

  4. Lol. Good one this morning, Linda.

  5. That's very funny!

  6. That is hilarious! Even if I'm in broad daylight getting ready, I've had some 'interesting' mishaps too... in the dark, I'm quite certain I might not even get entirely dressed before heading out?!

  7. New here but I think that was funny. That is something I would do for sure.


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