Hello, Hello

Today, when reading A Prayer For Owen Meany, they mentioned two words that I had not heard or thought of since my childhood.

The words? “Telephone Drawer”. How many times I heard my mom say, “Check the telephone drawer" or "Get a pen from the telephone drawer".

A thing of days gone by for me. I haven’t even had a landline for 7 years. I've recycled the phone book if they insist on leaving it on my porch for at least 12 years. I still have an office supply drawer which would have consisted of many of the same things but not quite the same really. The telephone drawer belongs to my mom. I can hear her voice say it now.

Do you still have one? Did you ever?


  1. It wasn’t called a telephone drawer but we had one just the same. Still do really. We still have a land line. Can you say dinosaurs?

  2. We never had a telephone drawer because our telephone was wall-mounted. We kept the telephone book in the utility closet.

  3. no telephone drawer, BUT I still have a landline. they stopped delivering phone books around here a few years ago.

  4. We never had a telephone drawer either. Our phone was mounted on the wall. My aunts had a small table with a drawer in it and that's where their phone sat, no one called it a telephone drawer. Their phone was one of those heavy old phones. I remember it being on a party line.

  5. Never a drawer We had a telephone box in the drawer back in the 50s. But after that, no.

  6. Yes, we had this. We still have a landline with an answerphone and I use that number whenever I am asked for my phone number.

    I recently bought a 2nd hand book for my grandchild, "I hear" by Helen Oxenbury, one that my daughter loved to look at. It features simple drawings of a baby and things we can hear: birds, a dog, rain, a wrist watch (slightly outdated) and a telephone, even more outdated, one of these red ones with a handle resting on a receiver.
    We had a sad laugh.

    1. I remember that book! She had a set of them....hear, see, etc. Good times.


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