Forgiveness and Pain

I blew it again!

The anxiety of a hard situation hit. I tried but failed to get the message across in a healthy way and, in the end, it was a blow up. Things were said, words were weapons, dogs fought and I reacted much more than poorly than I can say.

Attempting self talk this morning:

  • You made a mistake, you are not a mistake
  • You have value
  • The scars inside have a lot of power, they will not always
  • I love you
  • I will take care of you and that can be enough
  • These feelings will go away, but meanwhile, feel them
  • I can take care of you, remember that, remember that, remember that
Tomorrow is another day.


  1. I think we all have been there at one time or another. A new day, a new beginning, another learning experience. Nobody is perfect.
    Enjoy your day, Linda.


    this clip says plenty about growing inside.

  3. Allowing yourself to feel the feelings is a huge one!

  4. I need to read this everyday. Thank you for writing it down.

  5. That's me. It seems I piss people/family off on a regular basis, just by being myself. Thank you for the reminder.

  6. Every day is a new beginning. Your reminders to self are good ones.


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