Epstein Shlepstein

Money isn’t the root of all evil, assholes with money are the root of all evil.

- Rick Overton

Jeff Epstein felt it was his right to take girls getting close, but not quite, to adulthood and using their bodies for his pleasure.

Money, influence, persuasion and gifts were used, among other things, to get these girls to do his bidding. NEWS FLASH....children cannot give permission.

Truthfully, with the state of the White House (another person who thinks women are objects), I don't give a rats ass how Epstein died. I do care, however, that they get that predator woman off the streets. Ghislaine needs to answer before a court of law for her actions in facilitating Jeff's access to teenage girls.

Tired of ASSHOLES with money getting to do whatever they want to do and not having to pay the price for their actions because of their wall of lawyers.

Just felt the need to say it.


  1. FUCK YEAH! no tears for epstein (lowlife muthafucka). and his second-in-command should GO TO JAIL!

  2. 'Nothing new under the sun'.
    The Kennedys were great womanizers. At least two women indirectly died because of them, one of the two being Marylin Monroe.
    If I were american, I wouldn't be too proud of the Widow First Lady Jackline, who married the greek Onasis for his money, yes, money ;money makes people evil, and so she broke the heart of his fiancee Maria Callas.
    Americans have a way of playing selective , but facts are facts, and they don't get away.

    1. Being a womanizer isn't the same thing as raping children. Neither is getting involved with a man and "breaking the heart" of his fiancee.

    2. Apples to apples. So true Jennifer, not even remotely the same.

    3. Us Americans are a diverse group and to broad brush us all is simplifying any situation. Although, admittedly, child rape does not sit well with most people.

    4. A person (Epstein) is dead; there was no trial - so wait a little bit, just a little bit with the words of rape, predator, etc.. It's called human compassion for another human being , even though that human being might have been all evil.
      As for americans being a "diverse group"(you mean a diverse nation?); well, sadly, after the last elections they are still diverse, but no group or nation anymore. 'Finita la comedia', as italians say.
      Where there are elections, people shoud accept the results, whether they like it or not; that's the name of the game, and it's called democracy.
      Well, what happened in America, is beyond any understanding of things. Diversity does not justify stupidity. Those who ridicule Trump, actually ridicule the many millions that have voted for him, so forget about them being nation with you, diverse or not.

    5. Once again, a simplification.

      The majority of us did not vote for a man that openly divides, dehumanizes, lies, aligns himself with tyrants and surrounds himself with less than honorable people. And where there are elections, people should not always quietly accept the votes without speaking out. I can think of a number of people in history that should have NEVER been voted into office.

      In history we can appreciate the people who dared to speak out, even when it was unpopular, against what they felt was wrong. And while I will continue to speak out at what I consider wrong, it does not mean that I am ridiculing my sister, brother, friends and family who voted for him. It is him, his lies, his stupidity, that I speak out against. To assign your views to my actions or words is your right but I won't be wearing them.

      But we will need to agree to disagree. Have a great day Duta.

  3. SO tired! Thanks for saying what we're all thinking.

  4. All the talk feels like a Ray Donovan episode.
    I am so tired of all assholes tied to trump, the leader of the pak of assholes.
    While not sad that he died, everyone knows he would have sung like a canary and it may have been helpful to get a boat load of them. Hence why I don't think the selfish narcissit did this to himself. Either way one down a thousand more to go. And didn't they find that chick eating at In 'n Out burger? Has she been arrested? Come on!

  5. Bravo. Lady justice may be blind but she can be bought.

  6. No arguments here. Total slime.

  7. Amen and complete Agreement with what you felt the need to voice! I don't care how he died either, tho' I strongly suspect it wasn't suicide... and no telling how many 'involved' will never be revealed nor indicted... which is not going to bring justice AGAIN to all those Victims! The only solace may be in suing his Estate and distributing his wealth among those he most violated and ruined the lives of... tho' no monetary compensation is adequate, at least they will receive something and not be without a Voice this time?


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