Be Your Best

I've mentioned that my Boy Scout is a bartender. His current position is in a hipster bar in a little town in the hills above our city.

The owner of the bar hit it big with a brewery that got bought out and now owns quite a few restaurant/bars. He's youngish with a couple of little ones, maybe 6 and 8.

The other day the owner came in with his kids for lunch. Unfortunately, it was immediately after 15 fireman had just left due to a potential electrical fire. So the Boy Scout did not have time to prep, he was alone and he quickly got inundated. There was a mixup with his order and the kids, who had ordered veggie burgers, accidentally got meat! OK OK it was a bummer but the owner freaked out! Said some inappropriate stuff and was just a bit of an asshole, all in front of his little ones and the other customers. Told my man that he was responsible if the kids got sick as neither of them had ever had meat in their bodies.

The Boy Scout stayed cool, exercised his bodhichitta and tried to understand that perhaps there had been an issue at home that flavored the normally amiable boss's negative reaction.

This is a big man is growing up in a way I did not think possible. We've had our ups and downs but I am very proud of the growth he is experiencing in the last couple of months. I am grateful that:
  • He didn't blow his top, spread sarcasm or walk out.
  • He didn't own his employers words.
  • He didn't lay the blame anywhere even though it was the cooks fault.
  • He didn't chew on it or let it chew on him.
The man seems to be surpassing me in his emotional maturation process which kind of pisses me off but that is just me being small. I'll get over it and enjoy a new man who is working hard on being the best him, just for him, and moving towards healing his inner child.


  1. I watched my daughter handle a truck driver with a scary case of road wage which he took out on her. She commented, “I think he needs a hug.” This was amid finger language, aggressive driving and horn blowing on this man’s part. She handled it much better than I would have. The children in her car saw a great example from their mother and so did I.

    1. Well, you are her mother, so I guess you get some credit too. Well done Marie’s daughter💜

  2. nope, I would have opened up a big old case of whoop-ass philly style on that guy! and that guy should be called out for exposing his kids to such ignorance! and his kids would survive a meat hamburger for a change!

    1. I know I know but I really would like him to keep this job or get another one before leaving

  3. I am proud of Boy Scout. Honestly I am not sure I could have handled it as well or well at all.
    I hope he gets an apology or finds new work that he enjoys and they appreciate him.

  4. I had a chuckle over your getting pissed off statement. I'm sure you are over it by now. I'm in awe of the Boy Scout's ability to control his temper.

  5. I don't think I would have handled the situation as well as the Boy Scout did. Well done by him!

  6. Growing up is hard but not growing up is even harder. Well done.

  7. Yes, you'll get over it ! And most of all, you'll appreciate it -- I can see you already do.


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