Independence From Kids

Truthfully, the 4th has never been quite the same for me since the kids went on to do their own thing. It always seemed like such a kid holiday. But this year, we took it back.

It was a full day. Worked for a few early hours, ran up to Santa Barbara for a great day of golf with one very long time friend and one fairly new one, then rushed home just in time to run next door for a BBQ with our neighbors. It was fantastic. Great food, good people, we sang, talked of past and future and just had a great time.

Not a single child to be seen and that was OK.

Hope your 4th was super too.


  1. Sounds like you had a fun day with friends.

  2. There's life even after the kids leave home. Your 4th of july sounds wonderful - a full day with some work, a friendly game of golf, and BBQ with good neighbors. You had the best of all worlds.


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