Getting It Done

I rent a small office in a building that houses a total of 50 offices of various sizes. It also included a fully equipped kitchen, a small gym and a number of bathrooms. I've grown to like it. The rent is reasonable, a cleaning crew cleans nightly and it is maintain pretty well.

Being an early riser, I get to work anywhere from 5:00 to 6:00 am. It's kind of lovely as this place is absolutely dead quiet when I arrive. No bleary eyed good mornings or grumpy grunts, just little ole me.

What surprises me is that after I have been here 3 hours, I can go walk around and realized that it is still empty! People don't come to work at 8:00 here. They start trickling in around 9:00 and the parking lot is full by 10:00.

I love getting in, getting out and getting on with my day or early evening. Not so much the people I co-toil with. They more meander.

Are you a get-it-done and go type, or do you meander?


  1. there are 7 of us at my workplace. 4 of us are "git er done" types, 3 are wanderers.

  2. I'm retired now, but when I worked I was a "get it done and go" type. I'm still an early riser and early to bed person.

  3. I am the get up and go type like you. I have been accused of being Type A, it's always said to me as if it is a horrible disease and they could catch it. I find that humorous.
    I work alone in my home. So no one to grunt good morning to. The dog sometimes joins me. I am most productive in the early morning hours. My distractions are good ole blogging

  4. My husband is up at 3:30 a.m. I get up 7:30 but like to get things done in the morning. Getting to work by 10 would not appeal to me.

  5. I'm an early bird. I like to get out and walk the town early around 7:00 am. Towns over here don't even start to function until 10 am. If I don't get my walk in, I tend to blow it off which I don't like. My wife doesn't get up until 9 which I find it's too late for me.

  6. I like to get up early and I like to fart around. I like to eat breakfast while I read blogs and the news, putter around the house when I'm not working, walk the dog, etc, etc and then have my shower. On work days we're out of the house by 6:30.

  7. I'm a both. NOt really a meanderer but not the crack of dawn riser either. Ironically, I get up earlier now that I'm retired than I did when I was working!


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