
Forgive me for...

  • wanting you to fix the discomfort I am feeling
  • vomiting out my truth, in the hopes that you might have words of wisdom to take these feelings away, never once considering that you would now carry a burden that is not yours to carry
  • not owning and dealing like the emotionally healthy person I so desire to be
  • throwing my anxiety on anyone who might be close by, guilt by proximity
  • having an inner child that needed more than the inner parent had to give, so she looked outside


  1. You are such a sweet person. It is okay to ask for help from people who care about you. We all are or need these things from time to time. S'okay.

  2. You have no reason to ask for forgiveness. We are all beginners.

  3. Forgiveness is not needed. We all walk through life together and some things are easier or harder than others.

  4. We are all on the journey together to learn from each other, Linda. We help each other!


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