Bogus Potus

So many people I talk to these days tell me they feel certain that current POTUS will be reelected. Each time I hear this I feel despair and a more anxiety. It seems to grow exponentially.

I don't like having such a big stake in something that I have absolutely zero control over.

I need a new perspective....breathe.

I am borrowing the worst possible outcome, not trusting the system that I have always believed in because so many men and women that have been voted in the public are shirking their duties and twisting what I have come to believe is the American Way.

Tolerance, brotherhood, service, honesty. We have traded much of that for a nasty lot this time around.

I am especially concerned with other countries affecting or attempting to affect the outcome of our "fair" elections. This has been well documented for 2016. 187 criminal charges, plea deals from numerous people close to the POTUS, 38 Russian nationals or linked individuals have been charged with crimes, as well as 3 Russian companies. A fact that Mueller has confirmed wholeheartedly.

Unfortunately, not too many Americans seem to care overly much about the possibility. Kind of burying their heads in the sand.

So much for a new perspective.....still despairing but trying.


  1. pity we can't do here what the people of puerto rico just did to get rid of their governor.

  2. I don't believe he will be re-elected.

    1. Bless you my friend! I just need to hear that once in awhile.

  3. I'm really afraid of his reelection, too. I wish I had some comforting words to offer. I'm trying to anticipate the worst so that I won't be blindsided if it happens this time.

  4. He'll cheat any way he can and the repubs will help him. They play the game well, stacked the courts and have voter suppression mechanisms in place. The only way is for people to get out and vote and expose the outside help he gets from other countries who want to infiltrate the electorial system. I think he can be beat but it won't be easy. I hate the orange man but Mitch McConnell is right at the top of the list with him. I get depressed too from the idea of him doing another four loooong years. I can only read so much political news and then I need to take a break. Sorry for the long rant. :)
    Have a wonderful day/evening.

    1. I waffle between letting go (which I did of Twitter and most news) and being a responsible voter, staying active and vocal. I think I may need to hibernate for a bit.

  5. So many friends and relatives in the US feel the same. I pray the will of the majority is upheld this time.

  6. I also fear the outcome of the 2020 election. Four more years of this would be utterly unbearable. I'm so hoping that the election will be honest and that someone else will win. Our motto: Vote blue no matter who.

  7. If they don't keep killing each other in the debates and giving the Orange One something to use in the end, we might just stand a good chance... I like whomever wrote "Vote Blue No Matter Who."


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