My Favorite Perfume

I’m not really a perfume gal but this stuff is like heaven to me. It was taken off the market a few years back and I managed to grab a few bottles online before they all disappeared. Score! That was 4 years ago and now down to my last bottle. For a good long while, I wore it only on special occasions in order to make it last.

Deciding that was living in scarcity, I now put it on pretty regular and am enjoying every moment I have with this glorious scent. It'll run out soon and I'll be sad but this stuff in my soul since I am very olfactory centric. I will never forget how I feel when I spray it on. Aren't memories wonderful?

ps I did find a seller on EBay selling a single 3 oz bottle but it was $280 bucks and I'm not willing to through that down.

Thé Bergamote / Bergamot Tea fragrance notes
Black tea, Bergamot, Mandarin, Grapefruit, Cardamom, Woods


  1. My suggestion: buy a small bottle of jojoba oil (which is still a lot) and a little wee bottle of bergamot essential oil. In a separate tiny bottle, put some jojoba oil and a few (5 or 6 maybe?) drops of the bergamot oil. You'll have to experiment to get the strength of scent that you want. Keep the larger bottle of jojoba oil in the fridge so it doesn't go rancid (it will last you a long time when making your own perfume). Keep the perfumed oil out for easy application. You should be able to get all this stuff at any new age or health food type of store that sells essential oils.

    On a related note, I once seduced a woman using bergamot oil. A good memory.

  2. I really hate when they stop making something I have grown to love.
    Smell lovely for as long as you can :-)

  3. It's the same with other things you like too. When it's no longer available, you take your time using what you have because you know the end is near.

  4. Oh, L'Occitane! They make such wonderful scents. I wonder if there are other retired scent online stores that might be more reasonable -- or even writing to the company itself. Couldn't hurt!


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