I Can Do This


Strength means...acknowledging each of those feelings, your questions and ideas and faith and terror, and meeting what comes with the full force of your heart.

When experiencing unpleasant feelings, I would shove, squelch or rage. Mostly rage. Those feelings COULDN'T BE FELT! I would blame the people who were involved in creating those feelings inside instead of dealing with them. There were times that it seemed as if I would die. I know that sounds melodramatic but now I know anxiety and panic can tell my brain lies.

I still don't like them and I still don't always act appropriately but I am now more aware and I am doing much better than last year. last month and even yesterday. I am starting to feel the pain of fear and betrayal, grief and sadness and not run around like a crazy woman trying desperately to FIX IT.

Do you feel freely or do you avoid and, if so, how do you avoid?


  1. If I'm of a mind to avoid my real feelings I usually opt for anger.

  2. I never go anger, I go quiet and then head first into a pint of ice cream. I should just try angry, I'd be thinner.

  3. Perfection! I wish I did this more often...instead of clawing for a few days first! HA! Practice not perfection! HUGS

  4. I do a bit of both, depending on the emotion and its source. But avoidance is not a long term strategy because eventually something will blow up that must be dealt with. That's been my experience anyway.

    1. Yes yes wise one. If only that logic would more frequently reach my brain before the avoidance and anger did. Going in the right direction counts though.

  5. it takes a while for me to get angry, but when I do, you don't wanna experience my wrath!

    happy/sad/fear come easily. people can tell how I feel by my facial expression/body language.

  6. Oh I can be angry, ask my family . . .
    But I rarely am in public, at work. I blame the way I was brought up.

    As for the real awful feelings when things are seriously beyond my control, when neither anger nor fury get me anywhere but deeper into it, I try to just observe. Sometimes it works, sometimes I need to write down a sentence or two just describing what I feel. Sometimes that works too.

  7. I was so angry yesterday when I found out my son was lying again and driving without a licence and without an ignition interlock device, which he's supposed to have. I yelled. I swore. I then went shopping which did nothing. Then the big guy and I went for a walk and that helped. It didn't last long but it was unpleasant. I always want to avoid that kind of anger but it doesn't work.

    1. Glad it blew through quick and that you have that big guy to help out. I’m sorry that son of yours is still using one thing or another. It doesn’t lend itself to honesty in my experience.

  8. This post made me think back to when my mother died suddenly in my arms. I got busy, phoning 911 and family, dealing with police, the doctor the funeral home.

    After everything was dealt with that night, I cried and cried, felt the pain and sadness. That’s my usual MO. Action then feeling. Sometimes ice cream afterwards.

    1. Ice cream can usually soften a bad spell

  9. It's a step at a time, isn't it? I'm glad it didn't last long but oh, I do understand how that anger boils. I'm not very good at expressing anger verbally and when I do, you know it's bad. Rick said he's only seen me get crazy angry once in 23 years. I used to have a set of plastic dishes to throw. I'm over that now, but every now and then...


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