
Do you have people in your life that turn things around on you? Twist and warp them into something they are not.

The Orange One is king of that kind of nonsense. My ex did it to me but to be fair I do not think that he was aware. I think he did it out of a primitive sense of survival. Addicts can do that.

Often, that kind of person can leave you off footed, questioning your thoughts, standards and belief system. I am present but not knowing what to say or how to respond.

Those people can exhaust a person. I am tired today.....tired of the game. Of trying to figure out what words mean or what the unspoken leaves open for space to fill. Leaving blank is a good method of not being pinned down to any one thing. Then when I take what is said....spread it out to what seems the end....then the other shoes drops..."I never said that", "Where did that come from", or any other little sentence that dangles and doesn't commit.

Did I mention I am tired.


  1. my ex used to pull some of that shit too. donald dump is even worse than my ex at gaslighting. it DOES tire you out.

  2. I have occasionally had people in my life like that. They can be very draining indeed.

  3. My alcoholic sister excels in these particular mind games. I no longer have anything to do with her.

    1. I am so sorry about that Colette. That must be painful.

  4. My mother was the expert on this. My daughter refers to her as the passive aggressive queen.

  5. Such people are exhausting. No wonder you’re tired.

  6. Dealing with it with my family. I so understand and it hurts my heart. I have decided that I only have what, a good 20 years left. Screw 'em. I don't have time for toxicity. I don't have more time to grovel for something I never or would ever say. If you can't love me and discuss rationally I need you to be out of my life as much as I can muster. With family that is difficult. But I am done. I can't do it anymore I just can't and neither can my heart. SElf-preservation is what I need right now.

  7. Energy vampires! That's what I call them. They are exhausting.

  8. My wife'a mother was like that. She hasn't talked or seen her since 1991. My wofe wrote a letter to her saying she wasn't playing the game anymore. So, as a result of this, our daughter who was ten back then, never had a relationship with her grandparents. Sad but we figured it was best for our daughter. They were the losers, my wife has no regrets about making that decision.

  9. I know exactly what you mean. And you are right -- these people exhaust us.


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