While the cats away.........

I want a cat.
I want a big orange cat.
It's not time yet, but I'm going to get one someday.


  1. I have had black & white cats, brown tabby cats, grey & white cats, all black cats, all grey cats, but NEVER an orange cat! that's next!

  2. Lol. They are gorgeous! Can’t blame you!

  3. They always seem to be really GOOD cats, too! Go for it!

  4. I LOVE orange cats. I'd like to adopt one day, too. I hear they have a lot of character.

  5. Replies
    1. Or "Petey"...I knew a big orange male cat named Petey and he was the best, most mellow, handsome cat I ever knew.

  6. Ha ha, we have a "stray" one that keeps trying to get in our house. I'd send him to you if I could! -Jenn (we call him Orange Cat)

  7. As the owner of the late, great Marmelade Gypsy, perfect orange boy in every way, I can say there is no greater love cat than an orange. And pretty, too. I hope you find your perfect match!

  8. as a person who is deathly afraid of these beasts I now know I can never visit you. :-(
    sure you don't want a dog?


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