Sniff Sniff

Alright friends, I've done some crying and am dealing with the ache in my heart.

Now I am going to be the mom I most desire. I am going to arm myself with the tools that one learns as they raise their kids. Those tools that taught us to allow our kids to branch out and possibly fail, standing on the sidelines, cheering or applying bandages. I will help and support wherever I am asked. With a smile on my face I will help pack up a little apartment, support choices I have no weight in, put those two kitties in the cages they hate and help get those two young people ready for their next adventure.

It's ok. Well it's not that ok but I can do this. I can.


  1. if you raised them well, they will thank you 1000 times infinity.

  2. Yes you can. These kids will make the world a better place no matter how far away they will be.

  3. You're stronger than you know and you love your kids enough to let them go.

  4. I honour your sadness, but your strength as well.

  5. You'll be proud of them facing new challenges and you'll be proud of yourself for being strong and letting them go.

  6. We're working on this with Number One son. It's a whole lot easier said than done! I wish you well.


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