Let's Rethink This

Sing it sister! While she makes complete and utter sense it still comes down to "I am an individual citizen of this country. Allow me to make the best choice for me". 

Meanwhile....I think that I may have found cartoon this on fellow blogger Bob's site, I Should Be Laughing. His blog is fun, cheeky and covers a wide variety of subjects. Check it out.

How is it that people are blind to the shortsightedness of  "You must have it, now you are on your own and do not expect help from us."?


  1. Oh I so don't understand this. Wait until the kid goes to school, they can be shot and killed then it's okay. Kill 'em once they are out we don't care. But before they are more than a blob it's important to have the child you can't afford or opps the birth control didn't work. I will never understand religious zealots or crazy right wing folks. They never make sense, they normally are also not the brightest bulbs in the box (see Alabama)

    1. ~When Senator Clyde Chambliss, a Republican, for example, was asked if the law would allow for incest victims to obtain abortions, he responded: “Yes, until she knows she’s pregnant.” He did not elaborate on how someone would have an abortion before she knows she’s pregnant, outside of claiming, “It takes time for all the chromosomes to come together.

      ~There is also Texas state Representative Dan Flynn, a Republican, who believes abortion requires cutting into a woman’s uterus, or Vito Barbieri, the Idaho state Representative, a Republican, who thought you could give a woman a remote gynecological exam by having her swallow a tiny camera.

      ~When Alabama Senator Bobby Singleton, a Democrat, pointed out that Alabama’s new law could punish those who dispose of fertilized eggs at an IVF clinic, Chambliss responded, “The egg in the lab doesn’t apply. It’s not in a woman. She’s not pregnant.”


  2. The word "pro-life" does seem like it should cover more ground than just the legality of abortion, doesn't it? I mean, even the Catholic Church's meaning is more comprehensive than that.

    But particularly with the new folks on the Supreme Court, the issue is hot again and no one is thinking two steps ahead.

  3. I love that quote from the good sister.

    1. Yes, it broadens the topic ever wider, with more compassion and understanding and also accountability.

  4. I can’t understand the logic of life at all costs its life is so undervalued when a child is born. I have never heard anyone who is “pro life” explain it. Thing is, it can’t be explained!

  5. The cartoon says it all, very sad but true.

  6. The answer to your final question is -- because "pro-life" is not about "protecting" children but about controlling women.

  7. So absolutely true. I would like to see all the money and energy used to prevent abortions put to work taking care of children.

  8. It's hypocrisy and it's disgusting.

  9. I meant the cartoon, just to be clear:)


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