I Got A Feeling

17 years ago, on a warm September afternoon, I was doing yard work and enjoying the weather. My girls had gone on a bike ride with our neighbor. They were 13 and 5 at the time. It was the first day of school and my little ones first day of kindergarten.

They hadn't been gone very long when I have a strange feeling, Call it intuition, clairvoyance or a guardian angel. I’m not sure which but I knew something was wrong. It was a complete body thing that told me to move! A minute or two later I heard an ambulance. I ran in the house to grab my keys, got in the car and drove. I forgot to say something to my husband, I just left. Not a half a block from the house I got a call from the neighbor girl telling me that my youngest had been hit by a car when they were crossing in the crosswalk. She told me where they were and I drove there as quick as I could. I exited that car but I don’t remember how. I walked to my daughter's side but I don’t remember my feet touching the ground. There was traffic on that busy street but I could hear nothing. It was as if I wasn't really there.

She was laying on the sidewalk with an ER nurse and a dentist who had both stopped to help.

The man that hit my little girl with his giant sized truck looked like he was about to have a stroke.

We were lucky. She was OK. Her knees, her face, her arms were scraped and her bike was a total loss but she was OK. She missed her second day of kindergarten but not her third.

It was my strongest experience with a kind of Out of Body feeling. I have had a couple of others. Once during a medical procedure and one other time when I was quite young.

Have you?


  1. I never have had one but WOW! That is amazing! No matter what it was-thank Goodness it was guiding you!

  2. Not an out of body experience per se, but Jesus did reveal himself to me once. It was the morning of our newborn daughters funeral. I'd already showered and dressed and was walking to the kitchen for something, I don't remember now what it was. Walking thru the kitchen led to the dining room which led to the living room. As I rounded the corner there HE was...sitting on my couch. He wore a long white robe. His hands were resting on his knees. He had dark long hair and a warm dark complexion. He looked at me with those eyes...THOSE EYES!!! I saw such tenderness and remorse coming from His face. He said nothing but I understood what He was telling me. His presence in the room was tangible. I could feel it like ether thru the air. I stood there stunned. In the next instant He was gone, as quickly as a blink. If I close my eyes I can still see Him looking at me like His gaze has been burned in to my retina. I felt at peace, I felt loved, I felt like He was telling me how sorry He was that this had happened to us. Even today, 33 years later, I can still feel that gaze like it happened yesterday. I'll never forget it.

    1. This makes me catch my breath. Wonderful.

  3. Amazing! Truly. Thanks for sharing this.

  4. Amazing!
    When my wonderful mother in law was dying, I looked after the small kids in the family, trying to keep them occupied while waiting for the phone call.
    We were sitting down after a game of chase in the garden, everybody calming down with a cup of juice when I felt a warm wind washing over me and looking around, it was obvious that the kids had felt it too. Everybody was silent until the 8 yr old whispered, granny is gone now. The phone rang just then.

    1. Sabine....that is a beautiful story. I can't say that I felt my mom leave, but I wish I had.

  5. oh I've had them my whole life. I don't talk about it to others much because they think I'm crazy. But I know now they are not crazy, to follow them, to listen to them and to work through them. Oh the stories I could tell. I've said some on my blog at the beginning and was torn apart in comments so I no longer share. But when you had this you did the right thing, you listened to your gut, body, feeling whatever you wish to call it. I'm glad your daughter was fine. Hope she got a new bike too. :-)

    1. Our loss that you don't. I want to hear about them.

  6. OMG! I cannot imagine what that experience was like for you!

    I held my baby in my arms as she turned blue and I had to revive her. I don’t know how I managed to do it but I did. Terror doesn’t begin to describe it.

    1. Oh Marie, That is a story I would like to hear.

  7. Had one of those feelings the morning my dad passed many years ago. Weirdest darn thing - how you can just know. Glad your daughters situation turned out well!

  8. I don't know that I've ever had anything like that. But I am oh, so grateful you did and that you were there for her. I'm not surprised you can't remember parts -- you remember what mattered.


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