Heart Squeeze

Two years ago on a chilly March night, on the way home from a late movie, a dog ran into a dark but busy and large intersection.  We opened our car door and she jumped in, moved to the back seat and promptly fell asleep.

The next few days, this sweet sweet girl, settled into our life while we tried to find her home. Eventually, we surmised that she was abandoned after a number of puppy litters, 30 lbs underweight, but tender hearted and fairly well trained.

It was not the right time for us, but I had reconnected, through Facebook, with my childhood neighbor who happened to not only have recently lost a family pet but also had a lifetime love affair with boxers. We met halfway between Ventura and San Diego, where my friend introduced the sweet girl to her son. The decided to take her home with them.

It has been heartwarming to watch “Rozee” become a integral part of their family and to be so well taken care of.
Rozee and her boy

 Do you have a rescue story?


  1. all 7 of my cats were rescues; 4 have crossed the rainbow bridge, 3 still love their humans. especially if we have food dishes in our hands.

  2. Great story. No dogs here but a grand-dog who visits on occasion.

    1. The love without the work.....I like it a lot.

  3. My daughter (aged 9) caught a feral kitten as it fell down a raft in a friend's barn. It was maybe 2 weeks old, covered in ticks and maggots. No sign of siblings or mother.
    This was Ronia who lived with us for 15 happy years. She was the sweetest, most gentle cat we have ever had.

  4. oh I love this story. This photo is priceless!!

  5. A wonderful story with a great ending.

  6. As Mr. Peabody once said, "Every dog should have a boy."

  7. What a beautiful story -- and I love happy endings the best!

    Thanks for coming by, Linda. I always love your comments!

  8. What a sweet story. Did my heart good. Thank you xo


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