You're Wrong!

This is one of my favorite bloggers and I love what he has to say here. I hope that I am not breaking any rules copying and pasting but I'll risk it.

Dear Franklin Graham, LGBTQ Christians Don’t Need Your Blessing

Dear Franklin Graham,
I know that you’ve been sequestered within in the gilded gated community of your privilege and guarded by sycophants and yes-men for so long that you’re unaware of your catastrophic hubris here, so let me help you:
You’re wrong.
No gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, gender fluid, or non-binary human being is beholden to you or bound by your prejudices or in your debt—and their personal faith convictions aren’t any of your business.
You and the misguided zealots who share your heart aren’t the gatekeepers of the kingdom, no matter often you tell yourselves that or how many Bible verses you drop into your increasingly toxic Twitter feeds and incendiary Sunday sermons.
Someone else’s devotion to Jesus and the veracity of their faith confession are above your pay grade.
They too imagined themselves qualified to established people’s moral worth and believed they were arbiters of other’s righteousness.
Just like you, they missed God’s Spirit moving in their midst when it showed up in the lives of beautiful human beings who they chose to judge instead of love; people they dispensed damnation upon instead of sharing a table with.
Just like you, they made the mistake of believing they had a right to stand between God and God’s people—when no such permission was given to them and no request made of them.
I know these words will likely fall on deaf ears, but I need to say them anyway:
LGBTQ people who chose to follow Jesus don’t need you—they have Jesus.
Your sanctimony and your callous contempt and your condescending air quotes around their Christianity does nothing to dilute its authenticity or soften its passion or declare in invalid.
And when you are a posture where you can attend to the plank in your own eye, you’ll repent for ever having imagined that anyone needed your permission to follow Jesus.
I hope for you and for a world that is starved for kindness and goodness—that day comes soon.


  1. Right to the heart of the matter! Bravo, John Pavlovitz!

  2. Perfect and absolutely right.

  3. I love John Pavlovitz. And this is spot on. Thank you for sharing Linda.

  4. Amen! Sadly, those that heard this knew this, as we do here. The others won't get it or HEAR it. I swear religion is not good, it brings all the evil in the world and isn't it suppose to do the opposite? killings because of a religion, mosques, synagogues, baptist churches and on and on. I am weary. I am tired of all of this in our new world.

  5. That is the most beautifully eloquent thing I have read in so very long! Brilliant and very well said! Thank you for posting it and I will keep it handy.


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