not Sure Why.

Sometimes, even though I have people in my life, I feel incredibly alone. It’s bearable but uncomfortable. 


  1. I check in here almost every day I'm glad you posted

  2. It reminds me that in my speech at my mother's funeral I said something like " we come into the world alone and we depart from it alone, although there are people around the bed".

    I believe all human beings are alone because each of us is unique. The question is
    whether we let aloneness become loneliness.

  3. That's why we all need to be our own best friend, I think.

  4. Being alone with your thoughts is an acquired taste. I know what you mean.

  5. Oh yes, I know how that feels. I think ultimately, we are all alone and some can handle it better than others.

  6. Boy, do I know that feeling!

  7. Yup. You say it perfectly. And then sometimes you get surprised.


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