Let It Go

They borrowed and I lent.

It's all ok....I did it without regret. I could. 

But for a little while, I felt........disappointed perhaps. But not anymore. 

When repayment came, I honestly felt uncomfortable taking. I do not need it. Conflicted I suppose. Perhaps a feeling of greed even though that has nothing to do with it. Maybe the appearance of greed. Ah well. They borrowed and I lent and all the complications that accompany that whole damn thing.


  1. It really is okay and it is okay to let it go. Probably necessary, actually.

  2. Letting go is good for the soul.

  3. My theory is never loan what you wouldn't want to lose forever. Hopefully it is returned but if not, yes, one must let it go.

  4. You really let go, not expecting return. I haven’t been a able to do that.

  5. I never feel bad about being repaid what someone explicitly promised to repay. Surprised, sometimes, yes, but never guilty.


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