A New Day

I just checked and realized that I didn't blog for a long time.  Not quite sure how that happened.

Things are going fairly well. Been busy with my ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics) and enjoying it thoroughly. Growing, learning and becoming more emotionally mature while meeting fascinating people from every walk of life. It's not right to relay these stories, as they are not mine, but I will say that I see more resilience and determination in the ACA rooms than anywhere I've ever been. The abuse and degradation that my fellow travelers have survived astounds me, yet there they are, striving for peace, happiness and just an all-around better way to live.

I, too, am looking for a better way to live. One without the records in my head telling me how stupid I am, without fear ruling my reactions, and one where I set up really healthy boundaries and stick to them without guilt or shame. I'd say overall I am doing well and heading in the right direction.

All in all, cannot complain much. I am well fed, roof over my head, love of family and friends, learning to walk in this world more peacefully. I say a big thank you to my HP for a gorgeous sunrise at the beach this morning, allowing me to do my meditations and reflect on what I want my day to look like.
Hope your Saturday is a good one.


  1. oooooh, that DOES look lovely! go out and kick up your heels, linda!

  2. You will get to your better life, Linda, I know you will!

  3. Yay, Linda. You are well on your way. You sound happy!

  4. Happiness is a nice ingredient of life and you are well on your way.

  5. Replies
    1. Higher power. I use that term as it feels more defined by how I relate to the world and less by organized religion.

  6. I still have the record in my head as well, although it is getting fainter. My dad always told me I was stupid and ugly and I thought he meant it.

    The photo is lovely. A beach and sunshine=heaven.

  7. I've missed you friend. Glad to hear that you are doing well. Lovely meditation spot.

  8. I suspect a lot of us have that same record. It must have gone platinum by now, multiple times. It's a day at a time, isn't it?

    I'm glad you're back and blogging again. It makes me smile and very happy.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I wish I lived in that photo!
    I missed you and glad you are back with such a happy post.
    Not that you need me to tell you but you sure are doing great Linda. :-)
    All strides made are positive and you are making a ton of them.


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