The Postman is Ringing Twice, Maybe Three Times

I've mentioned previously about some problems at work. 

A couple of millenials have been reinventing the wheel, picking my brain for all they could (having never once run marketing program like mine) and moved forward with their program that seem to exclude my involvement. They have left me hanging, unsure of where I stand and, now, have gone on their merry way with the job that I have been doing for the past 30 years.

I have been in turmoil for months. 

The company they have hired to do their physical work, called me for some advice, and, while we were talking, this guy, who has been in the business for decades, says to me, "May I be blunt? This plan of theirs simply does not make sense for what they are doing. It would be perfect if you were selling Ferraris or fine jewelry but you are not. You are asking for people to donate their household goods." 

VINDICATION!!! I've been saying it for months. These young men, who think they are smarter than everyone else around, shockingly found themselves with a rather hefty postal bill, which I had been expecting.

I don't want them to fail, but I don't like how my effort has been set aside. I'd love some acknowledgement of my hard work. Ah well, as a famous man once crooned......You can't always get what you want🎵
This one is for you B & C
I will get over my little bit of nastiness, as it is not the best way to live a peaceful life, but I will enjoy it for a few days before getting on with my forgiveness and understanding.


  1. GOOD! let the little muthafuckas fail big time! these stupid assholes think they know everything; bwhahahahahahahaha! hope the new situation works out better for you!

    (shakes cane) and git offa mah lawn, ya punks!

  2. I would pursue that proposition.

  3. Karma - I'm so glad that you were were vindicated - not that you should have needed to be. Best wishes for great success going forward. Ranee (MN)

  4. Oh yes, definitely bask in the sweet, sweet warmth of vindication for awhile!

  5. That picture says it all, vindication victory!! Enjoy!

  6. Hey, enjoy a little satisfaction...and snickering :)

  7. You're right -- nastiness isn't your nature. But it's nice to be right sometimes. And who knows -- something extremely positive could well come out of it that might not have happened without!


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