Just Breathe


Be the most ethical, the most responsible,
the most authentic you can be with every
breath you take, because you are cutting a
path into tomorrow that others will follow.
What I’ve learned over the years is that life is less complex and far more peace filled when I am true to myself while honoring others and their journey. I spent too many years being a bit of chameleon, trying to fit into whatever situation I encountered. No longer though. I am figuring out who I am and I kind of like it. Being me all the time means the people around trust and count on me consistently.

Some people need drama. It’s what they know and they recreate it. I may have been that person at some point, ok ok....I was that person but peace cannot be overrated. It’s a great way to live.

Being ethical, authentic and responsible honors me and the people I encounter. Heading that direction as fast as I can.


  1. I try to avoid the drama queens; they are constantly negative. who needs that crap!

    1. "Not I," barked the lazy dog .
      "Not I," purred the sleepy cat .
      "Not I," quacked the noisy yellow duck .

      Not me either!

  2. It's a big task. I often catch myself trying to please people as a way to get out of a tricky situation and it always backfires. Sometimes dramatically, but most often with this ugly taste in my mouth. The taste of being insincere.

    1. I'm a work in progress....but headed in the right direction.

  3. Quite apart from anything else, drama is exhausting.

  4. "Being ethical, authentic and responsible honors me and the people I encounter."- I love this.

  5. Drama is exhausting! When I first got into recovery; peace was uncomfortable! I was used to chaos and I would unconsciously cause it because it was comfortable! I am happy to report after years of work it is the opposite now. But I watch new people come into the rooms and they LOVE chaos too! It is a common thing...HA!

    1. It's a wonderful thing to have your eyes opened, isn't it? I pray for that....and for the ability to handle the truth.

  6. We are all on a journey and sometimes our paths cross since we are headed in the same general direction. Fascinating, ain't it?

  7. What a nice post, Linda. Your words hit the bullseye. People who love drama are exhausting to be around. Speaking the truth also is an eye opener, lots of people don't like hearng the truth, it makes them uncomfortable. All a person can do is be who s/he is. I like Ken Wilber's quote, it's so true.
    Have a wonderful rest of the day!

  8. Learning to avoid drama is a real skill. It is so easy to be sucked into another’s circus or to create one yourself. Great post.


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