Whats Going On?

I had something interesting happen the other day and I thought I’d share it. While perusing Facebook, I came across this from an old friend:

At first I was angry as piss but then I remembered a few things about this guy and decided to send this:

And later this showed up:

I was happy I reached out and built a bridge instead of burning it. It’s been a good lesson for me. We can so easily forget each other’s humanity and there are some people who will bank on that and use it for their own benefit but I think there’s a better way. 

I’m going to leave you with this.


  1. That's totally wonderful. Good for you, connecting and I love what you wrote. And good for him. A bridge, not a wall.

  2. Linda, my computer is somewhat back. I believe I left something via my phone but it is not here so I will again say it.
    You are a class act and that was a class act move!
    You are my hero.

  3. The power of dialogue, respect and tolerance! Good for you, Linda, you're showing us the way!

    1. 🙏🏼 Coming from you, that means a lot Debra.

  4. Wow! You made that happen. I thank you for this step in a positive direction. You have made us all a little wiser.

  5. Way to go, Linda! This is the way to come together with people. We don't have to agree with each other on everything, but we can respect and tolerate our differences. xo


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