Raise Your Voice

Partisan politics aside, being quiet when the voiceless have rights taken away is not an option. We have an obligation to speak out and we must vote.

Remembering that there is no such thing as a good white supremacist, women are not objects to be degraded by actions or words, the disabled should not be mocked, the black experience should not be discounted, brown people are not the enemy, we must protect the disenfranchised from the mob, and Americans do not sanction the actions of murderous tyrants by calling them our friends.

We rise by lifting those around us and by caring for the human experience.


  1. silence = death. silence = acceptance. SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER!

  2. amen.
    why is this so hard to learn for so many?

  3. AMEN! Great quotes.

  4. This is a PERFECT post!! Silence is DEFINITELY agreement! We NEED TO SPEAK OUT AND BE HEARD! Thank you!!! Annster's Domain

  5. DId you hear Elijah Cummings remarks yesterday after the Cohen hearings? Every person should. These are wonderful quotes.

  6. Ben Franklin was such a wise man. All great quotes though!


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