And meanwhile, the crusty cruds have gone through my little house in a big way. We are sick, sick, SICK and are looking forward to this being over. Constant cough, a fiery throat and can't hear a damn thing. Would love some relief.

All the while, I am doing my homework, working my program, caring for my loved ones and myself and, finally, trying to work out what my future looks like. And then this popped up:


The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made. And the activity of making them changes both the maker and their destination.


Reminding me to keep putting one foot in front of the other, not willy nilly, but purposefully, with thought and consideration. So that's where I am right now.

How about you? You doing well today?


  1. ew, sorry to hear about the sick cruds. get well soon!
    we were VERY warm this week, but winter has returned.
    baseball season begins on 2/13, so I am looking forward to that.

  2. sick sick sick. First cold in 10 years. sore throat, drippy nose, head feels like a baseball and I just want to be horizontal but can't today. So I'm doing as well as I can muster.
    As soon as I can, I am going to crawl under the covers.

    1. Yup....we must be kissing cousins cause that's just what I've got too. YUCH! Feel better.

  3. Feel better soon, Linda.

    What a wonderful quote. We sculpt our lives, a creative process which changes us. Love it!

  4. I'm doing well. In spite of your illness, it sounds like you are doing well, too. Get lots of sleep.

  5. That's an excellent thought. One step at a time. Hope you are feeling better very soon. It's been a grim winter for me too so I get it. But we soldier on, don't we. Life's to short not to try!

  6. Get better soon! And: patience.


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