A Man With A Mission

Today is Steve Irwin's birthday. 

I just have to say, I loved this guy. I loved his passion, his goofiness, his smile and even his trademark haircut. I know loads of people thought he was over the top but he did a ton of good educating children and adults about wildlife, all while burning an incredible energy that never seemed to end. I am sorry that he left his family, his small children but I am sorry for the world too. He was one of a kind.

Enjoy this sweet little video


  1. He was a one of a kind ambassador for wildlife. We lost him way too soon.

  2. He was a great a person for the animal kingdom and I loved his personality on T.V.!

  3. his cute face/accent makes me weak in the knees.

  4. I loved Steve Irwin precisely BECAUSE he was over the top! Google is honouring his birthday today with one of their Google Doodles.


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