
Growing up, the four of us girls shared the big room in the house for quite awhile. Two double beds took up a lot of space. For reasons unbeknownst to me, being the youngest and not having a voice, I shared one of those beds with my sister Sally. My guess is Pam, being the oldest and bossiest, wouldn’t have me. She and Laurie shared the other bed. I have no memories of strife, although with three teens there must have been some, but the age gap made me somewhat immune I suppose. I do remember being rather embarrassed at 5ish, when opening a gift from sally, finding rubber pants in pink yellow and blue. Perhaps her motives were pure but it shamed me. I wet the bed fairly frequently.

Pam and Sal left home rather close together and then Laurie and I we relegated to a much smaller room with the same old double bed. I remember pink and red bean bags and a pink and white gingham bed spread. Laurie married her high school sweetheart in June after graduation and I got my own room for the first time at age 13. I didn’t like sleeping alone. I still don’t. Sleeping has always been a grounding, familial thing to me. 


  1. I shared a room with my sister for many years, but we had our own twin beds. It is different getting used to an empty bed when you've shared one for many years. Perhaps one of those big long body pillows laid out on the other side, just to take up empty space?? -Jenn

  2. It's all what we get used to. I love having a bed to myself, so I can sprawl out and hog all the pillows and covers!

  3. I'm an only, so I grew up sleeping alone. Rick was an adjustment but the good thing is that since we live in different houses, we don't have to share every night. Well, it's mostly a good thing, although sometimes not. I do remember sharing with my cousin Patty at the lake when we were kids. I used to share with Cousin David till our parents decided that wasn't a good idea anymore. Patty kicked. Not the best! I like Jenn's idea of those big body pillows. In fact, I really like that idea a lot! I also love your Eiffel tower pic on the rigth of your page. It's beautiful -- yours?

  4. Linda this is so interesting. Things that make me go Hmmm....

  5. I grew up sharing a room with my sister and we had twin beds. Then in college, I always ad a roommate. Out of college I married my BF and once we got divorced it took a long time to get used to being alone. Now, I sleep with my cats and extra pillows and I LOVE begin alone! HA - adjustment is wonderful!

  6. The 4 of us girls shared the biggest room too. My younger sister and I slept together in a double bed and our older sisters got the bunk beds. I got my own room in high school as the older sisters either got married and moved out.
    My husband worked as a firefighter/paramedic for 28 years. He used to work 24 hours on shift at a time, then be home for 48 hours, then work a 24 shift again. I got used to him being gone and found I could stretch out and sleep better, if not sounder, because he wasn't there snoring in my ear. He no longer works a 24 hour shift at a time so every once in a while he sleeps in our daughters old bedroom when the snoring gets to be too much.

  7. I sleep with a small teddy bear.

    spouse and I sleep in separate rooms; spouse snores and kicks/talks/flails too damn much for me to get a proper rest.

  8. I wish you peaceful sleep tonight, Linda!


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