Who knows.

Are there dealbreakers?

Are there lines that cannot be crossed?

Obviously, the biggies.......murder, rape

But what about some of the other things?  What is forgivable, what is not?

I’m not sure. My lines, my boundaries, were formed in distress. Malformed....at least some of them. It makes me question things that I feel strongly about. But, and this is a big but, I’m pretty sure, in this instance, a boundary was crossed. It feels unrecoverable, too damaging.

Trust is trust and lack is awful. 


  1. If a line has been crossed that makes me feel unsafe, that is a definite deal breaker for me.

  2. I'm not sure we always know till it happens -- and how we feel. And if we can forgive, at least forgive and (maybe) forget. A little. I wish you peace and clarity in determining if that boundary was crossed and strength and wisdom in knowing how best to deal with it and move forward. Good wishes to you.

  3. It might take a little bit of time to confirm that trust is irrevocably lost. But lack of trust is a deal breaker for me. :: hugs ::

  4. I am not certain. I think I know the big ones but until it happens I am not sure. But this sounds ominous and I am a bit afraid of what more I will read as I catch up.

  5. There would be for me. My safety is #1, but trust is a big one too. Good luck.

  6. Trust is the biggest one for me! Any relationship is over for me when trust is broken...friendship or boyfriend. Good luck with your decisions


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