Who Are You To Say.......

I think it is ironic that the man who falsely claimed bone spurs in order to avoid the military gets to tell 15,500 American people that they, in his view, are unfit to serve because of how they present.

Forgive me if my wording is wrong, I'm no expert, but I honor those who serve in the military no matter what they look like, the equipment have underneath their undies or who they choose to sleep with. In this day and age, why are we still having this conversation?

So a coward, whose daddy had too much money, has decided that he knows better.

I was thinking back to my childhood and this song came to mind. From Disney's Robin Hood, written by the incredible Johnny Mercer (Days of Wine and Roses, Baby it's Cold Outside, Winter Wonderland) and sung by my personal favorite Phil Harris (Baloo the Bear-Jungle Book and O'Malley the Alley Cat-Aristocats), the words are perfect.

He stands alone on a giant throne
Pretending he is king
A little tyke who's rather like
A puppet on a string

And he throws an angry tantrum
if he cannot have his way
And then he calls for Mum while he sucking his thumb
You see, he doesn't want to play



  1. This post is perfection! UGH he makes my blood boil!

  2. not familiar with this song but it is the orange ass to a T.
    This shut down is so bad. I just wish the news would show what it is doing to all the citizens of the DMV and not just the federal employees. Everyone is laying off. Not federal workers will get back pay. The rest of us who may lose our homes or whatever won't. I hate this man. i have never hated anyone. But I HATE this man and his dour pence, the hateful being that he is.

  3. Oh Linda. That song is wonderful. I wonder if it's on youtube in audio form. I'd love to hear it with the tune. And I agree completely. First, he puts the country in danger with our air traffic controllers, TSA folk and Coast Guard defending and protecting us without pay; then he basically says, "You can't serve because of who you are." I've had it with this clown.

  4. OK -- it is on youtube. If you want to see it with cute Disney characters, you have to pull it from a longer excerpt. But if you want just the song (and connect it to the real Prince John, the original Phony King of England) here's the link. https://youtu.be/72Hq-tcjpXY Just imagine that John is a redheaded idiot and you've got it!

  5. He's playing to his bigoted base. Again. As usual.

  6. Perfect song, you had me laughing.

  7. "In this day and age, why are we still having this conversation?" I totally agree. Why?

  8. well written arguments. love it
    have a great day

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I'm also wondering why we're still having this conversation. It seems we're going constantly backward and destroying everything this country stands for. I'm so done with it.

  11. thank you for sharing the video...like it
    have a great day


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