Kick Up Your Heels

Last week, on our way to see Mary Poppins, an older couple approached the parking meter just as we were finishing up paying our parking. They asked for help, as they had never used the machine before and the meters are a bit high tech.

This tiny couple (and I do mean tiny) were going dancing. Usually, the gal informed me, they dance at the harbor but they had to find a substitute, as the harbor was quiet that night. The meter was taking forever, so it gave her time to fill me in. She mentioned that her husband, reaching a height of 5’2” at the most, would be 100 next December. A closer obeservation of her, I could imagine a petite young woman with knockout figure. That figure, while still quite ample, had headed south and looked like a nuisance, bordering on dangerous, more than anything else. A probing glance at the gent revealed that he was definitely getting up there but still lively. Ninety nine and dancing, let alone driving to the dance venue. Too stinkin’ cute!

I almost wished we had scrapped the plans for the movie and went dancing with them. I hope they had a blast and kept the drinking to a minimum. I suspect yes on the first and, possibly, no on the second.

If you’ve put off dancing like I have, put your sensible shoes on and get your buns out there. There’s no time like the present.


  1. They say that remaining active in your senior years is the key to a good life! Well, at any age, really, lol.

  2. We dance with the grandkids which they love. We do too, truth be told. Wonderful story’s,

  3. What a wonderful story, it made me smile. I don't dance but I walk everyday to keep on top of the healthy likestyle.

  4. They sound wonderful. It would have been a tough choice for me because I really want to see Mary Poppins!

  5. What a sweet story! You get old when you stop enjoying life!

  6. When we were in Sri Lanka last June one of our group was a spritely lady who managed to keep pace with us all - just missing out on some of the steep climbs that we had to make or long strenuous days. I was simply amazed to discover that she was 92years old. I could just imagine the reaction of all her friends, neighbours, and relatives when she told them she was off to Sri Lanka.

  7. If I should live so long, I hope I'm still doing things I enjoy.


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