Don't Go Away!

We have had glorious rain and I am refreshed, my soul washed clean by it. The plants in my tropical garden surely are confused to have gone so long without a drop of this precious matter. It goes by many monikers; water, H2O, aqua, drink, dew, moisture....  Whatever you call it, we've got some and boy do we need it. The cities of Ventura and Santa Barbara have been under close watch with voluntary evacuations put in order. Not something we are taking lightly. 
View from Grant Park - Cross

This storm is almost over and tomorrow it is expected to be sunny and back into the 70° range. I will welcome a little bit of sun but have enjoyed this weather tremendously and wouldn't mind if it headed back out direction real quick.

PS  I would be remiss if I didn't mention that on January 9, 2018 our local cities were digging out of horrific mudslides, not because we had an especially lot of rain that season but because we had had the terrible deforestation of Thomas fire that burned 281,000 acres, followed by a strong storm and then a storm surge that dropped a 1/2 of inch of rain in 5 minutes time. The result was a massive mudslide, 21 people killed and $227,000,000. in property damage, emergency response and cleanup. This has been a very hard year for this place we call home.


  1. It's good to read about the "glorious" rain in your post.
    I used to be worried when reading about the fires and evacuations. California deserves better years with no fires and damages.

  2. Oh wow! That is terrible! I cannot imagine the terror a mudslide causes let alone the terror of fires! UGH! Sending vibes for so better weather your way!

  3. I feel so badly for CA. It's been a tough year. My SIL says it's the price she pays to live in Southern CA. I get that too. I saw mudslides for the first time when I moved to Seattle. Scary stuff. Fire more so to me, but either way not good in anyway.
    Enjoy the rain and the sunshine coming behind it. That can mean a rainbow :-)

  4. Enjoy the rain while its there. I've read so many stories about the lack of rain in CA in the last few years, it gets scary especially with all the fires happening too.
    Have a wonderful day!

  5. I hope everyone is safe today there, Linda. Take care.

  6. Your region has had a hard year. I hope the next one is a little easier for you all -- you deserve a break. That's a dramatic sky, to be sure.

  7. Rain, eh? I've got 2 to 3 feet of snow on the ground and it never got above zero today. Got a spare room??


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