Value Judgement

There are times when we allow someone else to be the measuring stick of our value. We take how we are treated or what is said and internalize it; give it credence it does not merit. I have done it many times, especially with those I love. In reality, our value comes from within and if we are giving that right or responsibility to someone else, it's time to take it back!

I am working on that. Recently, that effort was strengthened as I watched someone very dear to me hand their value to two people who did not deserve to hold it. They are not bad people, not cruel or especially unkind but they had not earned the right to pipe in, whether with words or actions, to the beholders value. And, in fact, perhaps they were completely unaware that they were affecting my beloved. 

If one is not taught their value is from "just being" from a young age then it is going to be a hard lesson to learn as this world can be genuinely tough. We then start to try to earn it. I don't want to earn just is. I am here, I am kind, try to treat others with respect, try to do better and learn to love the unlovable. My value comes from being who I am.

Yours does too! You are a valuable person.


  1. you must love yourself first in order to love others.

  2. Beautiful post and all soooo very true! Thanks for sharing!

  3. There's nothing more true than the words you spoke. Have a happy November Linda!

  4. Good reminder for everyone. We must love and cherish ourselves first.

    1. I'm trying but sometimes I don't like me too much.

  5. As the saying goes, 'put on your oxygen mask before you try to help others.' :)

    1. Hey's good to hear from you. I hope you are doing well.

  6. Absolutely Linda, I am who I am, live by my values and treat others the way I wish to be treated, looking for our value outside ourselves should never be entertained, I too learnt that much much later on in my life, better late than never.


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