
Guess who just got out of peeling potatoes?

Putting up some outdoor lights when a horrible little shrub of unknown nature accosted me in a most vicious way. I fought valiantly but, alas, the shrub won and vanquished me from my perch (ladder).

I thought to myself ROLL except I was a few milliseconds too late as I was already horizontal with one arm beneath me making an odd left turn. While I’m in pain, it could have been much worse. I find out Tuesday wether I will need surgery or not. 


  1. Oh Linda, you SO don't need that. Not now, not this season, not any time. I hope no surgery is required and that you are right-handed. But ouch! That had to hurt a LOT. Take care and let the Boy Scout do his good turns for you! (You have a smile like the sun -- even in pain.)

  2. First, apply ice on the affected area to prevent swelling and minimize pain.
    Only then, go for an X-ray. That way, you'll have a clear evaluation of the damage, if any.

  3. Oh no!!! That looks horribly painful!!! So sorry this happened to you! Rest and prayers that you will not need surgery! Ugh!

  4. Even though that must have been painful, you look like you were having a great time at the hospital!! (Pain killers??) -Jenn

  5. what a strange finger contraption! hopefully surgery will not be necessary. and look at that cutie MD!

  6. Ouch Ouch Ouch, well, I think you're due for some rest methinks *grin* speedy recovery and lotsa love to you

  7. holy shit that picture with your arm up in netting is some scary looking stuff. What is that finger traction? I sure hope no surgery required. Hey, it's one way of getting out of all that cooking. Seriously, I sure hope you will be just fine and healed up soon.

  8. Sending out healing vibes. Keep us posted. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  9. Oh, ooooh, ow! That first picture was just nasty! Hoping for a speedy recovery with no surgery!

    You're not a lefty, are you?

  10. Ouch! Sending you some healing thoughts from across the pond. Happy Thanksgiving, Linda.

  11. Oh, Linda! OUCH. Sending you good thoughts and quick healing vibes. From all your smiling, I'm guessing those were damn good pain killers :)

  12. Ouch. That looks painful. Hope you don't need surgery.

  13. It hurts just looking at the pictures. Speedy recovery!

  14. Sorry to hear about your wrist! What is that contraption they put your arm and fingers in before putting on the cast -- a medieval instrument of torture? Yikes.


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