Taking a Little Control

I've taken to Twitter and am enjoying myself.

I've blocked everyone I know and am using it as a platform to say exactly what I think about politics and the political situation that our country is in at the moment. I don't want to argue with anyone. I don't want to debate. I pipe in whenever my heart desires. I encourage and express outrage and, in doing so, feel a little more peace or control.

When I was still married, I felt crazy. Addicts and alcoholics are good at making their loved ones feel crazy. They say and do anything to justify what they are doing even if it makes no sense at all. This president of ours makes me feel much the same. Leaving me scratching my head, thinking, "Did he just say what I think he did?" or "Does he really believe any of us think that is the truth?".

In the chaos and insanity, I get to state my truths of the day even if just to myself:

  • The free press is not the enemy of the people
  • Paradise not Pleasure
  • Raking the "floor" of 33 million acres of forest 
  • Pussy Grabber
  • You did know Whitakers opinion on Mueller
  • McRaven served our country in the highest capacity and deserves our respect
  • John McCain was a better man than most
  • The White House belongs to the people
  • Your tax returns ARE our business (This country should know who you are in bed with)
  • There is NOTHING good about a nazi or white supremacist. There were NOT good people on both sides.
  • A probe that gets 32 people and 3 companies indicted or entering guilty pleas cannot be called a witch hunt
If you don't agree, that's ok. It's my Twitter and it's my blog.


  1. No arguments from me! (I recently reactivated my Twitter, too. It's good to have that spot!)

  2. Are you willing to post your twitter name here? I'd love to follow. I'm @silverwillow51. :)

  3. Good for you, Linda. I only see it from a distance, so I can only imagine what it would be like to have such a person leading Canada. We could be one election away from someone like Trump though.

  4. Damn woman that was awesome!!
    I think it is great to not share your twitter. It's more fun this way I am certain. And healthier.
    My neighbor went to see Michelle Sat night here in DC. Pres.Obama showed up and she said she and her mom went bat shit crazy as did the crowd. I couldn't get tickets. It sold out in minutes. I would have loved to have gone!!

  5. Yay for you! Tell it like it is after all it's your voice!

  6. I'm not on twit, but I agree with each and every one of your points above!

  7. Good for you, Linda! Vent away and rid your body of those toxins.

  8. Completely agree!!! I have private calls with my mother to do exactly what you do on Twitter… LOL!

  9. Sadly, the points you listed are only the tip of the iceberg. Hoping a Democratic House can rein him in a bit, actually act as the check and balance we so desperately need.


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