Stand Up And Be Accounted For

Went to a protest last night. I really enjoyed it; we made plans for the next one. There was a great sense of camaraderie as we held up our signs, waved to the drivers and passers by. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW was the theme of the night. Not angry. Not vindictive. Just a fact. NO ONE is above the law....even if they think they are the law.

According to a Vox article dated 10/10/18:

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team has indicted or gotten guilty pleas from 32 people and three companies — that we know of.
That group is composed of four former Trump advisers, 26 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Six of these people (including now all four former Trump aides) have pleaded guilty.
I am not sure how one could still be calling this a witch hunt and yet they do.


  1. And now Trump oversteps his authority and names an anti-Mueller individual as acting AG. I hope they are able to right that wrong before Trumps pawn Whitaker can do anything stupid.

    1. Where are all the activist lawyers when we need them?

  2. Controlling/eliminating guns (your previous post)which I personally totally favor, won't work if the culture is one of verbal and behavioral violence (yes, you said it..witch hunt), and that's what we have in the USA now.
    Sad, very sad to watch a big nation disintegrating.
    I'm afraid there's no way back, only down. Russia and China are watching the circus and making their own plans to welcome the possible future 'Fall of the Empire'.

    1. I’m old enough to have watched the pendulum swing back and forth. It’ll go so far and swing back again. The majority will get louder and start to vote when they tire of path we are being taken down. The sooner, the better.

  3. I wish there had been one where we are. Good for you!

  4. Yea, good for you. It's nice to be around like minded people doing good deeds.

  5. Replies
    1. Me too. Hopefully more and more. Waken from the sleep and take part in what’s going on people of America.

  6. Every little bit helps! Bravo to you, Linda :)

  7. Thank you for participating! I so completely agree with your sentiments.

  8. Yes you!!! That is awesome!!! I love a good protest and I am sooo with you on the thinking!!! Hugs


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