Listen To Me.......

People have to tell their stories Elsa or they suffocate.

~Alf - My Grandmother Asked Me To Tell You She's Sorry

That is how I see the new people that come to their first few ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics) meetings. It's necessary to be heard and ACA meetings accept whatever you say no matter what you say. No CrossTalk.

Being heard feels good at first but if you don't do some work, eventually it does you no good. If we all healed just by talking, the world would be a far better place. Those talkers usually stop showing up. The desperate, like I was, stay, because anything is better than where you are. 

After a good long time, when I finally got the courage to say something I told my story. I needed to hear it out loud. I needed it to be audible because I still couldn't believe that what had happened was true. A fable, a work of fiction or someone else's life....not mine. I don't need to tell it anymore. It is just a is not me.

If you still have issues from your childhood (it does not need to be alcoholism), you might give one a try. This is but one route to improve the situation. It's a good one.


  1. I shared my story with a psychologist. she helped me immensely. I am no longer the person I was.

    1. Thank goodness we don't have to stay in one place.

  2. I remember when my father was told by the doctor to quit smoking and alcoholic beverages. The next day , he just did that. No word, no rant, no support group, nothing ; only the power of his inner will.

    Well, it was another place, another time, another generation. Nowadays,without support and "talking out loud", things don't work. We're weak and more vulnerable, and so we need to try whatever means is available out there to improve the situation.

    1. I consider myself a very strong woman. I’ve worked hard, loved much, taken my hits and persevered. To need to talk is not weak. It’s having the courage to say I need some help.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I used to attend AlAnon a number of years ago and because our town is so small all the aspects were combined. ACA and everything else, but it was all helpful, especially when you realize you are not alone.

    1. You watch others strive for peace and it gives you hope.

  4. This is so true, Linda. And it relates to anything of significance, whether long in the past or the present. I think that's one reason why "me too" got so big so fast -- a lot of hidden stories. We need to remember that in everyday life, too -- when something is amiss or bothering us, to be able to share respectfully and openly. Easier said than done, though!

    Thanks for visiting the blog. I don't have your email so can't reply directly to your nice comments but they do mean a lot. Isn't Paris great?

  5. It's good to talk and get whatever it is out in the open. Keeping it inside causes anxiety and other problems. Sharing your story could empower someone else to share theirs.
    Enjoy the new week, Linda.

  6. I agree and do believe talking and saying it out loud helps. When I feel that I can't talk about it I turn to writing, it helps too.

    1. More and more, writing seems to bring a better me to the table.

  7. Good stuff, Linda. Sometimes just listening to our own voice as we tell our story helps start the healing process. xo

  8. I attend AA and we do the same. The healing takes place by sharing stories with others and lightening the load...none of us are unique - HUGS

    1. We are working the same program for different reasons. Sisters :)

  9. I am so very damn glad this helped you. Everyone needs to find what works for them, because without it we are standing in one place aren't we? Only the weak don't move forward, so don't listen to that person please! You are strong broad. (I happen to LOVE that word) I went to a therapist. It still is a work in progress and I think it always will be to a point. But isn't it great that I like so many others wish to only improve to be the best version of me I can be? I just don't want to lose the ball buster in me because Rick wouldn't recognize me. :-)


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