Hardware and Sweet Hearts

Standing, facing a wall of various tools, I am searching for the object of my quest. Not seeing it, I move over one section and stare over a mans shoulder, still not seeing what I need. The man, maybe 10 years older than me, says, without so much as a glance, “You look like you’re looking for something”. I laugh and say, “So do you”. He turns and asks what I’m looking for. Missing the compulsory uniform, I mention that he does not look like an employee but he has started walking, telling me to follow. He walks up and down the tool aisles without luck. Finally, he asks an emplyee. I’m standing there as he is told that he will find staple guns on aisle 3. I thank the clerk and start to the other side of the store when I realize I still have my companion. He flirts a bit then finally says, “I can hear it now....when they ask how we met, we will tell them it was over screwdrivers and hammers”.

We got to aisle 3 and an employee took over and my companion disappeared into the sea of home improvement. It was kinda sweet and, to be honest, he seemed a tad lonely but it made me smile just a bit. 


  1. I always flirt with other guys. but I go home to the spouse.

  2. Awww, that was wonderful! But he left before you could thank him. I chat up everyone in stores. Old men seem to love me which I find funny because I am an old broad. I bet you made his day/week/year. There are so many lonely people in the world. I read a lot of their blogs. Heartbreaking. You just made that man have a kick in his step by being so open and nice.

  3. Maybe there is hope for me finding someone during my many, many trips to Home Depot to finish these floors! You have given me hope! HA

  4. Oh, that's really very sweet. I love it.

    Thanks for coming by the blog! More Paris to come!

  5. 🙂 A nice encounter! They don’t happen enough!

  6. What a wonderful thing to have happened *smiles* one needs these moments in life

    1. You are right. Life is made better with little connections.


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