be back soon

Adjusting to life one handed and on the mend.  No surgery so I'm a happy girl. Cannot type worth crap so I think Ill take a bit of a break from blogging and stick to reading yours. Have a great Thursday


  1. I am so happy to hear no surgery!! Yipee.
    Take care of yourself. Come visit, I'll baby you :-)

  2. Prayers for quick healing!!! Hugs!

  3. I've been thinking about you and hoping your hand heals well. But that's good about the surgery -- or lack thereof. No one wants/needs that at the holidays. I don't have your address but would love to put a get well card in the mail to you. If you want, you can email it to me at And if not, no problem! I get it!

  4. Heal up soon! Breaks are good, so enjoy it for a while and then return to us all refreshed and full of ideas. :)

  5. I am glad yoi don’t need surgery, Linda.


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