
Another one.  This one close to home. 12 souls.

My girl dances there on occasion. When will this ever end?  How do our lawmakers keep acting as if this is not a gun problem?

NRA needs to die from lack of funding. Tired of them buying our politicians.

Tired of the killing.



  1. Your heart must have been in your throat. Breaks my heart...

  2. The Big NRA money taker/ass kisser around these parts was just kick out and lost the election. She was horrific in every way. The NRA needs to come down. Do you know when you enter their building you go through a metal detector? Yes, so they are safe. Go figure.

  3. It's really sad that this keeps happening. People, unfortunately, are getting used to the headlines and it doesn't surprise them anymore.

  4. and yet another time that someone GOOD with a GUN was there, and lost his life. More guns is NOT the answer. Never has been.

  5. This is frightening, Linda. And so heartbreaking.

  6. The rest of the world is also scared! How can this happen time and time again?

  7. UGH - I so agree with this entire post!


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