Walking In Someone Else's Shoes

My man has some good qualities. He's confident, outgoing, feels comfortable in his own skin, very loving and so patient with my fears. There are many other things I love about him but there are a few things that can be a little harder to love. He is sarcastic, can be confrontational at times, plays mind games when feeling attacked and often doesn't suffer fools well.

The other day, when I got into the car, he relayed an encounter that he had had earlier that was a source of pride for him.....
Paris - Puces de Vanves - Flea Market

He's walking our Scruffy dog along State St in Santa Barbara. It's crowded, full of shoppers and the ever present homeless population. As he walks, he notices an old gal, kind of bent over and moving slow. He passes her and keeps on his merry way. The man and his dog approach a treasure trove of bags piled to the side of the walk way. Our curious pup goes in for a sniff. The old gal gruffly yells at him to keep his dog away. He has an internal conversation that goads him to say something nasty back. He takes a moment and then keeps walking. Nothing said.

Victory. That old gal likely has next to nothing in this world but the contents of those bags. She has most probably had those bags stolen, dumped and pushed about more times than she could count. The protection of her few belongings is probably WAY less than that which one of us would do should someone start to walk into our front door without permission.

It is not always EASY to be kind, but it is almost ALWAYS the best way to be.

Way to go Boy Scout!


  1. I have a husband of similar bent. He is patient with my anxieties, He is very organized and can cook and clean. But he is also very cruel at times and has a sharp tongue. He prides himself on alway being calm but he masks his calm demeor with being very harsh. And all that said, he will buy a meal for a homeless person and help a friend in need. I often wonder if I should stay for the good 90% of leave for the cruel and cold 10 %.

    1. So many reasons why we stay. Usually way more about us than it is about them. Or it least that was how it was for me. Love you you Birdie....you are worthy and wonderful.

  2. Great photo! Great scarf! Well done indeed.

  3. I like the looks of this boy scout! He looks like he'd be a lot of fun. Happy for you!

  4. Well done, we could all learn a bit from him.

  5. I imagine that poor lady has had more than a few dogs piss on her belongings, they're dogs after all. Kindness is the best way but OMG it's hard sometimes.

    I had a patient the other day. He told me where to poke him for his IV and I did twice and both times the vein blew. Then he looked at me and told me to "get a professional because you are not a professional". I looked at him and smiled and told him that I would find a professional for him. I didn't punch him in the throat because I was being kind, but I did think about it.

  6. Boy Scout rocks. You are a lucky woman...


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