This Guy

My man is a bartender. He's a good one and meets lots of people; some of them quite nice.

His latest bromance is a doll that I will call Jose. A 60ish gent, cute as can be, with a lovely smile. He's married to his business partner and it seems they are landscape architects to the extremely rich. I gather they do it for more of a hobby or art than anything else. They, at any given time, seem to own 5 or 6 homes. The one near the Boy Scout's work is a rather large "estate".....I know, I know....hoity toity right? 

Jose was raised in Europe and Connecticut in what appears to be a very wealthy family. The family business still exists but someone else is running it. He was married at one time and had 3 middle aged children but now has a husband. All those are just details. He is sweet and unassuming, asks questions, listens interestedly (that can be hard to find these days) and loves his 4 dogs tremendously.

I like this guy a bunch. He and his husband are leaving and I am sad to see him go. Some people walk in and walk out of your life, leaving you with a sense of wanting just a bit more time.


  1. I definitely believe people are put in our lives for reasons and then move out of our lives for reasons....some we may never truly understand until the very end. Sorry your friend is leaving :-(

    1. I agree completely! And it is our responsibility to do with it what we should.

  2. Seems like we always have something to learn from the people who enter our lives. I also hate to see the good ones leave.

  3. OH so very true! How wonderful for you both. But at least he came into your life to give you hope of great people out there.
    I know I need someone like that in mine.

  4. I felt the same way when our friends moved two years ago. I still miss them.

  5. So true! Some just pass through but touch us deeply.

  6. ....I understand too well, those people you just to hold onto and never let go because they waken up something inside ourselves, but alas, the wheels turn and things just never stay the same...

  7. I know what you mean about having people you like come into your life -- then go. And it leaves a bit of a hole and a loss, even if you've only known them a short time. Jose sounds like a great guy. I hope wherever they land they are happy.


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