SISTERS (and Brothers) UNITE

This is a photo captured as the President of the United States of America mocked a sexual assault victim even after claiming her to be a credible witness.

You, sir, are the reason sexual assault victims do not come forward. You are a coward, an ignorant bully and, worst of all, a self admitted PERPETRATOR. You, who has no sense of right or wrong, will still be able to grab a few pussys but, one day, you will grab the wrong pussy and that gorgeous pussy will help put you behind bars where you belong.

Until that day, women will continue to speak out in outrage and sisterhood. Contrary to your feeble minded, self absorbed belief system, WE DO THINK! And even better, we mobilize and....wait for it......we VOTE.

Ps. As will our sons. We have taught them well. They, too, believe in honesty, dignity AND the right of women everywhere to live free from fear of men like you.



  2. I shouldn't be surprised that Trump was all "This is a scary time for our young men". What - that they might get called to task for their misbehavior? Their assaults? What about the REAL victims - the frightened, abused women that are afraid or too ashamed to report the incidents? Such a load of crap that idiot spews. He and his supporters should all be sent to federal prisons so they can experience some sexual assault first hand. See how they like it then!

  3. I agree with Anne Marie in Philly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    He is vile and the spineless rest of the republicans are as well.
    The only reason Rep Flake (R) spoke out about this man being despicable is because he is leaving congress. Otherwise not a one of them will stand up to this jerk.
    Why are all the good ones killed?

  4. Preach, sister! It wouldn't be a scary time if they were raised to behave properly and to respect women rather than mistreat and abuse them.

  5. I sometimes think Trump is brain injured. I can’t believe someone could be as he is otherwise.

    1. I think he has a very severe mental illness. Think Ted Bundy.


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