
I watch my daughter do the same things I did.

I watch her think love means trying to fix.

I see her risk herself and her possible future for something the man is fixated on

Her empathy prods her to do things she really doesn't want to or shouldn't.

I see her want her daddy back, he was once a good father. Instead she gets an addict who is wholly selfish.

It puts space between us. Words are quieted...things get left unsaid. Secrets, spawned by shame, grow.

It breaks my heart but all I can do is love and prove myself worthy of the the secrets.


  1. I totally understand, having been there (and sometimes still am there) what she is doing. I hope she finds her way out when she realizes where she is. All you can do is love her.

  2. Keep loving. Keep the dialogue open. She will come around. Maybe not right away but when she sees the light she will come to you for strength.

  3. I hope she sees the truth of what is going on sooner than later.
    In the mean time, Hang tough Mama Bear.

  4. It's tough being a parent because we always like to fix things but it's better if they just can figure it out themselves.

    1. It is. They get the pride of knowing they were able.

  5. That is tough. Just keep loving her. She'll find her way back.

  6. It’s complicated between mothers and daughters.

  7. My one daughter did this too. Tried to appease and please and make him happy even though, back then, he never was any of those things. She was the hardest to convince that we needed to do an intervention. She always sided with him, he always convided in her. It used to piss me off so badly. I could see him manipulating her and never knew what to do about it. Al Anon gave me the tools to save myself. Oddly enough none of my kids wanted to go to Al Anon. Does your daughter go to meetings? Does she have any other kind of support system aside from you?

    1. That must have been so difficult for you and for your relationship at the time.


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