Remember With Grace

“All the love, all the dead, all the people we've known. They are the rivers that feed our sea of souls. If we refuse to remember them, that sea will dry up too.” 
― Nina GeorgeThe Little Paris Bookshop

I like the idea that even the people that have let me down have helped to make me who I am. Learning to forgive them for their failures and mistakes and find the things in our interactions that have caused me to grow and mature, allow me to be gentle with my own failures and recognize my true worth.

It's a daily practice and also allows me to walk through this life more peaceable. I'll take it.


  1. The old saying In Difficulty lies Opportunity came to mind while reading this.

    1. Always hated it when my elders would tell me so but age has educated me in a way to school could never.

  2. Everyone comes into our life for a reason. Everyone is here to help us learn.

    1. Not always easy to see it that way but I agree.

  3. That's so true. We can't get where we are going without help from others.
    Enjoy the day!

  4. Yes, I've realized that some awful people have made me a better person by teaching me lessons I needed to learn. I honour their negative place in my life. However, there are others whose graves I still look forward to dancing on.

    1. I can think of one person in particular that holds that special place in my heart. I am not a mean hearted person but I will not shed a tear or think a single sad thought when the orange one leaves this planet.

  5. I think every person we cross paths with has something to teach us. And some lessons are harder than others. However, I am happy when the toxic people are out of my life for good!

    1. I have a few that still sit on the periphery. I would prefer them gone but that is not going to happen any time soon so I adapt.

  6. toxic people suck and have no place in my life; I ditched them years ago. I like positive happy people.

    1. I believe that you have had more than your fair share.....I get it completely.


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