No, Just No

Perhaps I lack sophistication Maybe I am just a downhome kind of girl, or even a bit picky (but I don't think it is that).

But I simply have to say, I tried and I just don't like sushi.

The seaweed is chewy and bitter, the bites way too big and it grosses me out. Wrap that up in raw and you get..... Big Fat Yuck.

That is all!


  1. I feel that way about the raw bits! The bites are too big. Always want a knife!

  2. The only sushi I like are California Rolls. My reason for not eating other sushi is it freaks me out. Raw fish seems unsafe to me.

  3. I hate the black tar paper they wrap that stuff in. I tried a California Roll one time. One time, one bite, and that was enough. I didn't taste Avocado or Crab or Cucumber or even Rice. All I tasted was black tar paper. Big fat yuck is right.

  4. I will never knowingly (unless under duress) put a piece of raw fish in my mouth. Nope, not gonna happen. I've had some lovely sushi-like rolls that have avocado or cucumber or carrots rolled up inside, and I like those. But the raw fish is a step too far. If I lack sophistication, so be it!

  5. I won't eat raw fish. Hell, I barely eat cooked fish. The only sushi I eat is California Roll and we always make sure to get sesame seeds on the outside, not the seaweed wrapper. And yes, it takes me two bites to eat one piece. My theory is that sushi is designed to fit the male mouth.

  6. Just say no to sushi, I don't like it at all.

  7. Just learned that even "raw" fish used for sushi MUST be flash frozen before it is used. That's what kills the parasites a 400lb tuna will invariably pick up in it's lifetime.


  8. AGREED!!!! They insisted I try - so I did. I almost vommited. Then I told them this was why man invented fire!


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