Just Me Sayin....

Simple platform:

  1. Live and let live and protect those that need protection.
  2. Help the poor and downtrodden.
  3. Leave Social Security alone.
  4. We don't need to have a military that is larger than the next 7 countries COMBINED
  5. We don't need ANY automatic or semi-automatic guns in the public AT ALL.
  6. Legalize marijuana.
  7. Go after dirty drug companies for the deaths of thousand of Americans per year.
  8. Once and for all, recognize that Global Warming is happening and do our part.
  9. We cannot count on Big Industry or Big Banking to do the right thing. They will not. They need to be regulated.
  10. Companies are not people and should not be able to buy our politicans.
That is all for now.

Have a good day!


  1. Yes to all of this. As a Canadian I will add Universal Health Care for all. I would martyr myself for this.

    1. How did I forget that????????? Forgive me. It should be near the top.

  2. I agree, such a simple platform that unfortunately needs a revolution to get attention.

  3. All good stuff! And all sensible things.

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Love the post above - makes total sense and I agree with soooo many of those points! I am now following you - you can follow back if you wish at https://annstersdomain.blogspot.com/

  5. I share your platform ideas. Can I vote for you??

  6. Sane thinking. I think points 4 & 5 are the ones to be tackled first.


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