It's A Great Day

Both my babies are grown up.  How does it happen so fast? Spent the evening with this girl, which doesn't happen all that often even though she lives with me now. I am reminded just how much I love her company.

And this pup, she has turned out to be one of the sweetest dogs I have ever owned. Eager to please, mild in temper and ready for a little fun.

Today, like most days, I am reminded that I have much to be grateful for. My vertigo is fairly manageable these days, we have a roof over our heads, great neighbors and the holidays are coming. Woohooo!

And then we got photobombed by the cutest little grumpy grumpmeister.


  1. It is good to hear about a good day, Linda. There is so much sad and terrifying news these days!

  2. look-alike mom and daughter! and the guy behind you looks like a dump supporter.

    1. oh my gosh.....i just got stared at for laughing out loud in a quiet room!!!!!

  3. I love this! Both ladies are beautiful and the dog is just adorable. I have a dog with that temperament, she just wants to please us unless we have food, she can only focus on food. Hey maybe she is my kid. :-)

  4. What a lovely post! I can relate, save for the dog (we have cats) :) You and your daughter look like sisters!

    1. Aww thx Martha. The camera is kind to wrinkles.

  5. Great pictures of your daughter and dog. What kind of dog is he?

    Sometimes it’s nice to just sit back and enjoy the simple and the good.

    1. Scruffy is a wire haired pointing griffon. Hunting dog but we don’t hunt so she hunts balls

  6. You and your daughter look so much alike. Do a lot of people tell you that??


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