Days Gone By

Have I ever mention that I loved being pregnant?

My body seemed to be made for it. Not in the conventional ways… I had/have no boobs and no hips and was a little on the thin side but my body took to it like a fish to water. The only time I ever felt any real morning sickness was the six-month period I spent on oral contraceptives. 

The first 12 weeks I was a bit tired and occasionally slightly nauseous but other than that, pretty breezy. All the rest the weeks, aside from the last two, were spent happily. My body was warm for the first time in my entire life, gone were my feet of  ice. I had energy and felt kind of pretty, as my face filled out and became less angular. Admittedly the last two weeks were uncomfortable but not nearly the way some of my friends experienced. I loved it, it fit me well.

My first was breach and a C-section but the other three were natural. Afterward the births, these nearly non-existent boobs rose to the occasion. While my friends cried, cracked, dried up and gave up, my body basically said, “This is great, now start eating”. I could not consume enough calories to offset the nursing. I weighed less than pre pregnancy weight within 4 weeks

I wish I had been that natural at parenting. Not quite as much, but I did the best I knew how. I have learned much since then. I am going to be a GREAT grandma someday.


  1. I love pregnancy as well. Had four in all. I also had a breach but they let him come naturally. Now I have three grands and seven great grands.

    1. I am still waiting for day.....I hope.

  2. I hated every stinking minute of it. (Are you surprised? lol) I was overheated, sweaty, bloated. I always wished I could have had a pregnancy where I was glowing with happiness. Instead it made me cranky and hungry and tired. I was as round as I was tall when I was pregnant. Even my eyelashes got fat. I hated the whole birthing process too. No Lady Madonna for me. I was like a feral cat all 4 times. Ugh! But I am a great mother if I do say so myself and my 4 grandkids are like sprinkles on the cupcake of my life. The love is indescribable.

    1. OH MY GOSH!!! This is hilarious! And if I had to choose, I would have picked fantastic mother over fantastic carrier. Plus you got lots of sprinkles....worth every fat eyelash ♥♥♥

  3. Oh I loved this post. I too loved being pregnant and nursing and even waking up during the night with a newborn...I was so happy to see them and hold them! I was a 42 weeker with 3 of my 4...but I learned to accept that that was how my body did it. What lovely memories you shared here...and being a g-ma is the best thing on earth!

  4. Oh, Linda, this post made me nostalgic. I LOVED being pregnant no matter what. Like you, my first was a C-section. But the younger one was natural.

    Yes indeed, you will make a great grandmother!

  5. You will be a fantastic grandma, Linda! Just you wait!

  6. I was great at pregnancy and nursing as well. Only felt ill the 2nd pregnancy when taking prenatal vitamins. Haven't had a vitamin since. A Great Grandmother - that is cool. I am mimi to one little girl - so far - and love it.

    1. I wish.....I will be a "great" grandmother some day. Great grandma is a long long way off.

  7. Even though I had terrible morning sickness and was hospitalized over and over I loved being pregnant. Breastfeeding was a breeze one I got the hang of it. But for it to happen now? Nooooooooooo way.

    1. Long past my time!! I had a friend who had one of the first post menopausal babies. No thanks.

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